hamilton bright goes for Ecovadis gold certification
hamilton bright is proud to retain its Ecovadis Silver certification, demonstrating our commitment to sustainability and corporate responsibility. This is the fifth consecutive year that we are Ecovadis certified.
Ecovadis is the leading provider for sustainability assessments, evaluating our performance based on four key pillars: Environment, Human Rights, Sustainable Procurement and Ethics. With the help of this assessment, we can determine our objectives more accurately and better guide our teams towards a more sustainable way of working.
In a world where sustainability plays an increasingly important role, it is vital that businesses constantly respond to the changes around them. What is expected from us today may be different tomorrow. That is why it is vital that we closely follow up on the latest developments and continue to focus on the right goals. Because that is the only way how we can make an impact.
Ecovadis helps us to maintain that focus, enabling us to compare ourselves against benchmarks and with our competitors. In addition, we demonstrate our commitment to meeting ESG (environmental, social, and corporate governance) obligations to our partners, clients, and investors.
With Ecovadis Silver certification, hamilton bright once again underscores its commitment to sustainability. We remain committed to increasing our positive impact and striving for a more sustainable future for all.
At hamilton bright, we recognise the importance of responsible consumption and recycling. We consciously make sustainable and well-considered choices for our purchases. These measures require all our employees to have the right mindset and commitment. Only when everyone is intrinsically convinced of the long-term importance for our planet can we implement our plans and create the desired impact.